Frequently Asked Questions
Am I entitled to vehicle access?
Under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980, a person may make a request to the Council as the Highway Authority for constructing a vehicle access over a footway or verge in the highway.
Can an unauthorised vehicle crossing be closed?
Yes, the City Council as the Highway Authority has the power to take action to prevent use of unauthorised crossings. They can also charge you for putting the pavement back to its former use.
How do I apply for a Dropped Kerb?
You’ll need to request an application form from the Council. We can apply for the form and fill in the application and submit any necessary drawings on your behalf for a refundable sum of £45.00. We would recommend that the first step would be to book a home visit so our experienced engineer can offer you advice before you proceed with your application.
* Please note: Application fees paid to the council are NOT refundable.
How much does it cost and how long will an access application take to process?
On receipt of the completed application form and fee, subject to no planning conditions or other restrictions, your application will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to process.
The charges to process the application vary from Council to Council. Other changes may be applicable.
This application charge covers:
Site Inspection
Utility Company search for service records. The council have to write to the Public Utilities (the companies who own underground cables and pipes) about every application for a pavement vehicle access because it may affect their equipment.
Issue of Notices and Licence.
* Note: The council fee does not cover the construction costs.
If I already have a vehicle access, can I apply for a second access?
Yes but permission will only be granted in exceptional circumstances where it can clearly be demonstrated that the provision would be beneficial to highway safety and that an appropriate separation (absolute minimum of 15m) can be achieved.
If you don’t see the answer to your question or have any other questions, please get in touch with us, our site manager would be pleased to answer any queries that you may have. Tel: 0131 448 1978
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